subota, 10. listopada 2015.


Greetings to all! This way you have a chance to see what it looks like part of my fashion collection. In this post you will be able to learn things that you did not know. What I love? What is really my style of dress? What kind of shoes like? And all the rest ..
So let's begin ...
The first picture is of my closet that still have not arranged for my wardrobe consists of 4 parts and currently it into one combine work will tour the entire room once and you will be able to see. My style was never determined belief that does not need to be because I'm young and I like to change things. As you can see me in an elegant mood, you can see me in sweatpants. I spend a lot of time in training suits and I feel like so go to town, schools everywhere because in them I feel most comfortable. Jeans worshiped the collection of all possible models have.
As for the shoes I like to wear sneakers plain, stark, etc .. Because of the flat I safest. Although a lot more high heels or boots again I still always choose shoes.
Cases- like very large because there may not fit all. My favorite brand is my LV collection I gathered this year! As for the small bag I love them but rarely wear them mostly just to hang out :)
Follow me still :)

Pozdrav svima ! Ovim putem imate priliku da vidite kako izgleda dio moje fashion kolekcije. U ovom postu ćete moći saznati stvari koje do sada niste znali. Ono šta ja volim ? Kakav je zapravo moj stil oblačenja ? Kakvu obuću volim ? I sve ostalo..
Pa krenimo redom...
Na prvoj slici je dio mog ormara kojeg još uvijek nisam sredila jer moj garderober se sastoji iz 4 djela a trenutno ga u jedan spajam radim ću cijeli room tour nekad pa ćete imati priliku vidjeti. Moj stil nikada nije određen smatram da ni ne treba biti jer sam mlada i volim mjenjati stvari. Kako me možete vidjeti u elegantnom fazonu možete me vidjeti i u trenerci. Ja puno vremena provodim u trenerkama i najradije bih tako išla u grad , školu svugdje jer se u njima najudobnije osjećam. Jeans obožavaam kolekciju svih mogućih modela imam.
Što se tiče obuće najviše volim nositi patike obične , starke  itd.. Jer u ravnom sam najsigurnija . Iako puno više štikle ili čizmice na petu imam ipak uvijek odaberem patike.
Torbice- volim jako velike jer unutra može sve da mi stane . Najdaži brend mi je LV kolekciju sam skupila ove godine ! Što se tiče manjih torbica volim ih ali ih nosim rijetko većinom samo za izlaske :)

Pratite me i dalje :)

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