utorak, 27. listopada 2015.


Pozdrav svima ! Dragi moji kao što sam vam i obećala kasnim sa postom iz Jahorine ali ću vaam otkriti projekat  o kojem sam vam dugo dugo pričala. Usput odgovorit ću na pitanje koje su mi postavile tri djevojčice iz Mostara za njih puno pozdrava. Zašto ne snimam vlogove i da li ću nekada klipove početi snimati ?! Naravno da hoću , trenutno ih ne snimam iz razloga što mi je mobitel slomljen i kamera prednja baš najbolje ne radi . Očekujem novi telefon već mjesec dana jer sam ga naručila . I pitali ste me imali ijedna blogerka vlog sa Gimnazijade ? Ima moja draga kolegica Nejra Selimović . Ostavit ću vam link na dnu !

Da se vratim Jahorini i predivnom iskustvu . Naime riječ je  o organizaciji "Nansen Dialouge Centar " organizacija koja radi čudo zaista. A naša tema ovog seminara je bila " Interetnički dijalog  u podjelama zajednica." Naime imali smo druženje sa školom iz Sarajeva tj. Prva gimnazija i škola iz Istočnog Sarajeva 28. Juni. Zaista jedno predivno iskustvo , druženje.. Cilj ovog proekta jeste druženje škola iz Istočnog Sarajeva i iz Sarajeva da ljudi nemaju predrasude jedni o drugima. I mislim zaista da ćemo uspijeti u tome. Drago mi je što sam dio ovog tima , što sam upoznala jako krasne ljude meni sad  vecć jako jakooo drage . Stavit ću vam par fotki ovdje a u postu #DAY2 imat ćete priliku da vidite  više aktivnosti.

Cijela subota je zaista radna bila , imali smo zadatke koje smo morali uraditi do narednog dana. Umorni pomalo ali zaista uživali smo. 
The whole Saturday was really working, we had the tasks that we had to do the next day. Tired little bit but really enjoyed.

Hello everyone ! My dear as I promised late with fasting from Jahorina, but I will reveal Proekat on which I have long long talk. By the way I will answer the question that I put three girls from Mostar in their best regards. Why not shoot vlogs and if I ever start to record clips?! Of course I will, now they do not record because my cell phone broken and the front camera is not working very well. I expect a new phone for a month because I ordered. I asked if I had any blogger applications with Gimnazijada? Has my colleague Nejra Selimovic. I'll leave the link at the bottom!

To get back to Jahorina and wonderful experience. The word is about the organization "Nansen Dialouge Center" organization that works wonder really. And our topic of the seminar was "Interethnic dialogue in the community divisions." In fact we had a friendship with the school in Sarajevo that is. First High School and schools in East Sarajevo June 28. Truly a wonderful experience, socializing .. The aim of this project is socializing school in East Sarajevo and Sarajevo that people have prejudices about each other. I really think that we will succeed in that. I'm glad to be a part of this team, I met a very lovely people Me Now Veccom very very expensive. I'll put a few photos here and in post # DAY2 will have the opportunity to see more activities.

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