Pozdrav svima ! Evo odlučila sam da vam malo dam prostora , pa da pogledate nešto više o projektu i da pogledate nešto o mojoj školi. Dobila sam par pitanja putem e-maila pa ću se potruditi da vam odgovorim u ponedeljak ili u toku ove sedmice da napravim jedan post sa pitanjima . Link stranice ću vam ostaviti na dnu. Pratite me i dalje :)
Hello Everyone ! Here I decided to give you a bit of space, so that you look at a little more about the project and to look at some of my school. I got a couple of questions via e-mail and I'll try to answer on Monday or later this week to make a post with questions. Link website I will leave at the bottom. Follow me still :)
srijeda, 28. listopada 2015.
utorak, 27. listopada 2015.
Pozdrav svima ! Kao što sam obećala ovdje će ipak biti malo više slika. Dobila sam pitanje dal ću objaviti ko su članovi i novi prijatelji sa projekta ? To ću svakako uraditi ali čim se prvi put okupimo za par sedmica tada ću objaaviti i ispričat ću vam kako sam na čudan način upoznala djevojku gdje nakon našeg prvog razgovora smo bile oduševljenje jedna drugom ali to ćemo nešto malo kasnije.
Hello everyone ! As promised here will still be a few more pictures. I got a question if I should announce who the members and friends of the new project? It will certainly do, but as soon as you first get together for a few weeks then I objaaviti and I will tell you that I'm in a strange way to know where the girl after our first interview, we were delighted with each other but it will have a little bit later.

Nedelja, jutro . Spremni za doručak i nove radne pobjede.
Sunday, morning. Ready for breakfast and new labor victories.
Nisam željela da vam stavim slike kako radimo taj dan jer ih imate na predhodnom postu tako da nema baš puno razlike. Samo red , rad i disciplina .
I did not want you to put images to do that day, because you have them on the above posts so that there is not much difference. Just work, order and discipline.
Pauza , koja je trajala je bilo vrijeme kada ćemo predahnuti uz neko piće u ovom slučaju sam izabrača čaj i uživala pokraj vatre.
Nešto malo više " umjetničkih slika" .
A little more "paintings".
Ljepotica Jahorina tog dana bay bay.
Beauty Jahorina that day bye-bye.
Pozdrav svima ! Dragi moji kao što sam vam i obećala kasnim sa postom iz Jahorine ali ću vaam otkriti projekat o kojem sam vam dugo dugo pričala. Usput odgovorit ću na pitanje koje su mi postavile tri djevojčice iz Mostara za njih puno pozdrava. Zašto ne snimam vlogove i da li ću nekada klipove početi snimati ?! Naravno da hoću , trenutno ih ne snimam iz razloga što mi je mobitel slomljen i kamera prednja baš najbolje ne radi . Očekujem novi telefon već mjesec dana jer sam ga naručila . I pitali ste me imali ijedna blogerka vlog sa Gimnazijade ? Ima moja draga kolegica Nejra Selimović . Ostavit ću vam link na dnu !
Da se vratim Jahorini i predivnom iskustvu . Naime riječ je o organizaciji "Nansen Dialouge Centar " organizacija koja radi čudo zaista. A naša tema ovog seminara je bila " Interetnički dijalog u podjelama zajednica." Naime imali smo druženje sa školom iz Sarajeva tj. Prva gimnazija i škola iz Istočnog Sarajeva 28. Juni. Zaista jedno predivno iskustvo , druženje.. Cilj ovog proekta jeste druženje škola iz Istočnog Sarajeva i iz Sarajeva da ljudi nemaju predrasude jedni o drugima. I mislim zaista da ćemo uspijeti u tome. Drago mi je što sam dio ovog tima , što sam upoznala jako krasne ljude meni sad vecć jako jakooo drage . Stavit ću vam par fotki ovdje a u postu #DAY2 imat ćete priliku da vidite više aktivnosti.
Da se vratim Jahorini i predivnom iskustvu . Naime riječ je o organizaciji "Nansen Dialouge Centar " organizacija koja radi čudo zaista. A naša tema ovog seminara je bila " Interetnički dijalog u podjelama zajednica." Naime imali smo druženje sa školom iz Sarajeva tj. Prva gimnazija i škola iz Istočnog Sarajeva 28. Juni. Zaista jedno predivno iskustvo , druženje.. Cilj ovog proekta jeste druženje škola iz Istočnog Sarajeva i iz Sarajeva da ljudi nemaju predrasude jedni o drugima. I mislim zaista da ćemo uspijeti u tome. Drago mi je što sam dio ovog tima , što sam upoznala jako krasne ljude meni sad vecć jako jakooo drage . Stavit ću vam par fotki ovdje a u postu #DAY2 imat ćete priliku da vidite više aktivnosti.
Cijela subota je zaista radna bila , imali smo zadatke koje smo morali uraditi do narednog dana. Umorni pomalo ali zaista uživali smo.
The whole Saturday was really working, we had the tasks that we had to do the next day. Tired little bit but really enjoyed.
Hello everyone ! My dear as I promised late with fasting from Jahorina, but I will reveal Proekat on which I have long long talk. By the way I will answer the question that I put three girls from Mostar in their best regards. Why not shoot vlogs and if I ever start to record clips?! Of course I will, now they do not record because my cell phone broken and the front camera is not working very well. I expect a new phone for a month because I ordered. I asked if I had any blogger applications with Gimnazijada? Has my colleague Nejra Selimovic. I'll leave the link at the bottom!
To get back to Jahorina and wonderful experience. The word is about the organization "Nansen Dialouge Center" organization that works wonder really. And our topic of the seminar was "Interethnic dialogue in the community divisions." In fact we had a friendship with the school in Sarajevo that is. First High School and schools in East Sarajevo June 28. Truly a wonderful experience, socializing .. The aim of this project is socializing school in East Sarajevo and Sarajevo that people have prejudices about each other. I really think that we will succeed in that. I'm glad to be a part of this team, I met a very lovely people Me Now Veccom very very expensive. I'll put a few photos here and in post # DAY2 will have the opportunity to see more activities.
petak, 23. listopada 2015.
JAHORINA awaay !!!
Pozdrav svima ! I ako ste do sada pratili vidjeli ste da sam pisala o projektu koji uskoro kreće to jeste od večeras kreće . Za kojih sat vremena idem na Jahorinu gdje će biti realizovan proekat. Neću vam ništa puno reći ovdje. Na Jahorini ću biti do nedelje , možda neću svaki dan postove objavljivati ako ne uspijem svaki dan onda u nedelju sve očekujte . Ali pratite moj instagram gdje ćete moći saznati više informacija. Pratite me i dalje :))
Hello Everyone ! And if you've ever watched you saw that I was writing about the projects that will soon start that is by moving tonight. For an hour I go to Jahorina, where it will be implemented Project. I have nothing much to say here. On Jahorina will be until Sunday, maybe I will not publish posts every day if you do not make it every day, then on Sunday all expect. But follow my instagram where you can find out more information. Follow me still :))
Instagram profile follow :)
Pozdrav svima !
-Utakmice sve napetije bivale izabrani najbolji za treći dan ! Za VELIKO FINALE !
-Pobjednici košarke ove godine je DRUGA GIMNAZIJA. Želimo im puno sreće u daljnjem radu.
Fotografije očeklujte u toku dana ili preko vikenda :) Pratite me i dalje . Veliki pozdrav !
Hello everyone !
-Games More tense white chosen the best for the third day! For the grand finale!
- Basketball won this year's Second Gymnasium. We wish them luck in their future work.
Photos expect during the day or over the weekend :) Follow me on. Greetings !
-Utakmice sve napetije bivale izabrani najbolji za treći dan ! Za VELIKO FINALE !
-Pobjednici košarke ove godine je DRUGA GIMNAZIJA. Želimo im puno sreće u daljnjem radu.
Fotografije očeklujte u toku dana ili preko vikenda :) Pratite me i dalje . Veliki pozdrav !
Hello everyone !
-Games More tense white chosen the best for the third day! For the grand finale!
- Basketball won this year's Second Gymnasium. We wish them luck in their future work.
Photos expect during the day or over the weekend :) Follow me on. Greetings !
Pozdrav svima kao što sam obećala još sinoć postavit ću danas #DAYONE a 2 i 3 idu zajedno. Još uvijek je neizvjesno ko je pobjednih ovogodišnje gimnazijade.
Pa krenimo redom. Otvaranje GIMNAZIJADE je bilo u 10:00h na dvoristu Metalac.
Krenulo je rutom predstavljanja škola, počastili su nas učenici plesom i pjesmom a potom je usljedilo podizanje OLIMPIJSKE zastave koju je podigao EVROPSKI prvak Sani Čampara. Potom je krenuo plan održano par govora dikretorica škole i prof. Faruk Bešlić. Nakon toga smo svi zaigrali ! I svečeno otvorili GIMNAZIJDU. Moja ekipa ŽENE - KOŠARKA igrala je u 13:30 u Dvorani Skenderija. Iako je imala mnogo šansi nažalost izgubili smo . Ali smo jako ponosne na svoju igru i nadamo se na će biti bolje . :)
Pa krenimo redom. Otvaranje GIMNAZIJADE je bilo u 10:00h na dvoristu Metalac.
Krenulo je rutom predstavljanja škola, počastili su nas učenici plesom i pjesmom a potom je usljedilo podizanje OLIMPIJSKE zastave koju je podigao EVROPSKI prvak Sani Čampara. Potom je krenuo plan održano par govora dikretorica škole i prof. Faruk Bešlić. Nakon toga smo svi zaigrali ! I svečeno otvorili GIMNAZIJDU. Moja ekipa ŽENE - KOŠARKA igrala je u 13:30 u Dvorani Skenderija. Iako je imala mnogo šansi nažalost izgubili smo . Ali smo jako ponosne na svoju igru i nadamo se na će biti bolje . :)
Hello everyone as I promised last night will put today #DAYONE a 2:03 mix. It is still unclear who is this year's winner, Gymnasiade.
Well first things first. Opening Gymnasiade was at 10: 00h at the yard Rad.
It's on the route of presenting school, honored us with students dancing and singing and then ensued raise the Olympic flag raised by the European champion Sani Campara. Then he started the plan held a couple of speeches director of school and professor. Faruk Beslic. After that, we all danced! And candles opened GIMNAZIJDA. My team WOMEN - BASKETBALL played at 13:30 in the Hall of Skenderija. Although he had a lot of chances, unfortunately we lost. But we are very proud of their game and we hope to be better. :)
četvrtak, 22. listopada 2015.
Dragi moji kao što sam vam obećala u ova tri dana provest ću vas kroz svijet naše tradicije evo već 17 godina koja postoji ! Takmičenje u sportu #GIMNAZIJADA2015. U ponedeljak sam vam pisala plan kako i šta . Danas već očekujte fotke za koji sat vremena i mnogo toga. Sutra je posljednji dan . Proglašenje pobjednika . Pa ćemo vidjeti koja je škola i ove godine bila najjaktivnija. Sutra vas očekuje i jedno iznenađenje iza 8h pa gledajte. Saznajte gdje sam ja to otišla i zbog čega. Upitanju je jedan projekat već duže vrijeme, pratite i saznajte. Uskoro ću postaviti #DAY1 pa budite uz mene i dalje :)
My dear as I promised in the last three days I'll lead you through the world of our traditions here for 17 years there is! Competition in sports # GIMNAZIJADA2015. On Monday I wrote a plan for how and what. Today already expect the photos for that hour and much more. Tomorrow is the last day. Announcement of the winners. So we see that the school and this year was the most active. Tomorrow awaits one surprise after 8h and see. Find out where I had gone and why. It is a project for a long time, follow and find out. Soon I will set # DAY1 so be with me still :)
My dear as I promised in the last three days I'll lead you through the world of our traditions here for 17 years there is! Competition in sports # GIMNAZIJADA2015. On Monday I wrote a plan for how and what. Today already expect the photos for that hour and much more. Tomorrow is the last day. Announcement of the winners. So we see that the school and this year was the most active. Tomorrow awaits one surprise after 8h and see. Find out where I had gone and why. It is a project for a long time, follow and find out. Soon I will set # DAY1 so be with me still :)
utorak, 20. listopada 2015.
Pozdrav svima ! Drago mi je što vas mogu povesti u naredna tri dana u " moj svijet" . Naime tradicionalno održavanje GIMNAZIJADE je na redu i ove godine. O čemu je zapravo riječ ?! Učenici iz raznih gimnazija trakmiče se u sportu / različitim disciplinama. Ko će biti bolji ? Saznat ćemo u naredna tri dana. Ja ću sa svojom košarkaškom ekipom predstaviti PRVU GIMNAZIJU. Nadamo se pobjedi. Svima želim sreću . Pratite me i dalje :)
Hello Everyone ! I'm glad you can take in the next three days in "my world". The traditional maintenance GIMNAZIJADA turn this year. What is it all about?! Students from various high school trakmiče in sport / various disciplines. Who will be better? We'll find out in the next three days. I am going with my basketball team to present first high school. We hope to win. I wish everyone good luck. Follow me still :)
Hello Everyone ! I'm glad you can take in the next three days in "my world". The traditional maintenance GIMNAZIJADA turn this year. What is it all about?! Students from various high school trakmiče in sport / various disciplines. Who will be better? We'll find out in the next three days. I am going with my basketball team to present first high school. We hope to win. I wish everyone good luck. Follow me still :)
subota, 10. listopada 2015.
Pozdrav svima! Evo danas sam vam obećala tri posta i izbacila sam ih. Ovih dana obaveze čine svoje zaista ih je ne moguće zaobići. Spremamo jedan veliki projekat !.. O kojem ćete saznati uskoro. Kao što možete primjetiti na mom blogu je sve više tema za razgovor , pitanja... Pa šaljiteee moj e-mail znate ! Dobila sam preključer ogroman broj pitanja i u toku sedmice ću odgovoriti na njih. Ponosna sam zaista na svoj bloog jer svakim danom sve je bolji i bolji a vama mogu zahvaliti na tome. Ovih dana imam svašta nešto u planu. Isplaniran je već čitav mjesec pa ćete imati priliku da uživate ostanite uz mene pratite me :)
Hello Everyone! Here today, I promised three percent and kicked them. These days its obligations make them really is not possible to bypass. We are preparing a big project! .. Which will find out soon. As you can see on my blog is more to talk about, questions ... I send my e-mail you! I got a few days ago, a huge number of issues during the week, I will answer them. I am proud indeed to your bloog because every day is better and better and you can thank for that. These days I have a lot of thing in mind. Planned already for a month and you will have the opportunity to enjoy a stay with me, follow me :)
Hello Everyone! Here today, I promised three percent and kicked them. These days its obligations make them really is not possible to bypass. We are preparing a big project! .. Which will find out soon. As you can see on my blog is more to talk about, questions ... I send my e-mail you! I got a few days ago, a huge number of issues during the week, I will answer them. I am proud indeed to your bloog because every day is better and better and you can thank for that. These days I have a lot of thing in mind. Planned already for a month and you will have the opportunity to enjoy a stay with me, follow me :)
Greetings to all! This way you have a chance to see what it looks like part of my fashion collection. In this post you will be able to learn things that you did not know. What I love? What is really my style of dress? What kind of shoes like? And all the rest ..
So let's begin ...
The first picture is of my closet that still have not arranged for my wardrobe consists of 4 parts and currently it into one combine work will tour the entire room once and you will be able to see. My style was never determined belief that does not need to be because I'm young and I like to change things. As you can see me in an elegant mood, you can see me in sweatpants. I spend a lot of time in training suits and I feel like so go to town, schools everywhere because in them I feel most comfortable. Jeans worshiped the collection of all possible models have.
As for the shoes I like to wear sneakers plain, stark, etc .. Because of the flat I safest. Although a lot more high heels or boots again I still always choose shoes.
Cases- like very large because there may not fit all. My favorite brand is my LV collection I gathered this year! As for the small bag I love them but rarely wear them mostly just to hang out :)
Follow me still :)
Pozdrav svima ! Ovim putem imate priliku da vidite kako izgleda dio moje fashion kolekcije. U ovom postu ćete moći saznati stvari koje do sada niste znali. Ono šta ja volim ? Kakav je zapravo moj stil oblačenja ? Kakvu obuću volim ? I sve ostalo..
Pa krenimo redom...
Na prvoj slici je dio mog ormara kojeg još uvijek nisam sredila jer moj garderober se sastoji iz 4 djela a trenutno ga u jedan spajam radim ću cijeli room tour nekad pa ćete imati priliku vidjeti. Moj stil nikada nije određen smatram da ni ne treba biti jer sam mlada i volim mjenjati stvari. Kako me možete vidjeti u elegantnom fazonu možete me vidjeti i u trenerci. Ja puno vremena provodim u trenerkama i najradije bih tako išla u grad , školu svugdje jer se u njima najudobnije osjećam. Jeans obožavaam kolekciju svih mogućih modela imam.
Što se tiče obuće najviše volim nositi patike obične , starke itd.. Jer u ravnom sam najsigurnija . Iako puno više štikle ili čizmice na petu imam ipak uvijek odaberem patike.
Torbice- volim jako velike jer unutra može sve da mi stane . Najdaži brend mi je LV kolekciju sam skupila ove godine ! Što se tiče manjih torbica volim ih ali ih nosim rijetko većinom samo za izlaske :)
Pratite me i dalje :)
Dragi moji izvinjavam se što kasnim ali sam ludo zatrpana obavezama svaki dan tako da ću danas da izbacim tri posta. I ostaviti vas malo u razmišljanju do narednog puta. Odlučila sam da će moji postovi izlaziti svakog petka a ukoliko budete pratili moj blog uskoro kreće i GIVEAWAY!
My dear I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm crazy overwhelmed every day so that I'd be to throw three percent. I leave you a little bit of thought to the next time. I decided that my posts to go out every Friday and if you follow my blog and soon moves GIVEAWAY!
Nisam baš bila u ovom mjesecu nešto prezatrpana proizvodima ali ono što mi je sigurno ostalo omiljeno jesu :
I was not in this month something overcrowded products but what we certainly left a favorite are:
A zašto baš samo oni ? Ostanite i saznajte ali ipak i posjetite njhovu stranicu .
And why only them? Stay to learn yet and visit the bottom of their page.
Ostanite i dalje uz mene :)
Stay still with me :)
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