Pozdrav svima evo već dugo očekivani post koji ste svi tražili. Povod mog odlaska u Beograd nije bio samo odmor mali već i sajam knjige. Ta tom sajamu sam srela modnu blogerku Zoranu usput osobu koja mi je putem svog bloga otvorila oči i natjerala me da tako kažem da ponovo počnem blogovati . Jedan period sam prestala sa svojim blogom a onda sam mu se vratila i punom parom krenula naprijed. Njena knjiga je fantasticna koju obavezno svi morate kupiti i imati .
Hello everyone here is already a long-awaited post that you are all looking for. The occasion of my visit to Belgrade was not only small but also the rest of the book fair. The fair of the fashion blogger I met Zorana way the person I was through his blog opened my eyes and made me say that again so I start blogging. One time I stopped to your blog and then I came back and went full steam ahead. Her book is fantastic you sure you have to buy and have.
Koliko god ko imao predrasuda o njoj kada je upozna i kada je vidi , kada je sretnete bar jednom u životu mislim da će bez problema otkloniti svoje sumlje koje je do tada imao. Zahvalna sam joj što postoji jer je zaista jako dobar uzor mladima kao i jako uspješna modna blogerka kojoj ja od srca želim puno sreće u daljnjem radu.
As much as those who had no prejudices about her when you meet her, and when she sees when them a happy for once in my life I think I will easily remove their doubt that had previously had. I am grateful to her because there was actually a very good role model for young people as well as we are able to very fashion blogger which I heartily wish the best of luck in their future work.
Moja želja je ispunjena , upoznala sam blogerku koju sam pratila od prvog dana i koja mi je uvijek na neki način otvorila oči i pokazala put.
My wish was fulfilled, I met a blogger that I followed from day one and that was always somehow opened my eyes and showed the way.
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