nedjelja, 2. kolovoza 2015.

Hello Avgust :)

Konačno smo dočekali avgust , moj najdraži mjesec u godini a uskoro ćete saznati i zašto...
Evo za početak odlučila sma se na jednu malo drugačiju outfits kombinaciju nego inače.. Neki blagi mornarski stil ali malo na moj način. ovu majcu sam nedavno uzela na sniženju u Calipoe i moram da kažem da sam zadovoljna njom , često ću je ubacivati u svoje kombinacije . Jedan savjet svim djevojkama  nedavno sam pročitala da ima dosta kritika kako se djevojke oblače da ne znaju razliku od mora , grada i slično ako imate već želju da obučete top majcu savjetujem da to budu na neke duboke pantalone , taper , šorc , suknju ali samo ako je duboko jer tada top dobiva svoju da kažem funkciju u vašem outfitsu. Cipelice svjetlucave srebrene kupljene su jako davno kupila sam ih u XYZ mada sam vidjela da je nešto sličnih bilo u Caliope pa pogledajte dal ima još.. Torbicu sam dobila još prošlo ljeto i koristila sam je za SFF a evo otvorila je moj Avgust . Narukvice su već odavno u mom ormaru i ne znam stvarno gdje sam ih kupila. Naočale su PRADA i njih sam dobila isto . U zadnje vrijeme jako puno od frizure pravim punđe ova je sa pletenicom. Probat ću je fino uslikati.
Pratite mee i daljee :))

Finally, we welcome August, my favorite month of the year and you will soon find out why ...
Here I decided to start on a slightly different combination of outfits than usual .. Some mild navy style but a little on my way. this shirt I recently took on sale in Calipoe and I must say that I am satisfied with it, often I will insert in their combination. A word of advice to all the girls I've recently read that there are a lot of criticism as the girls dress do not know the difference from the sea, the city and so if you have a desire to put on top T-shirt I suggest that it be on a high trousers, taper, shorts, skirts, but only if is deep because then the top gets to say his function in your outfits. Shoes gleaming silver were bought a long time ago I bought them in XYZ although I saw something similar was in Caliope so look dal has .. purse I got another last summer and I used it for SFF and here opened my August. Bracelets have long been in my closet and I do not know really where I bought them. The glasses PRADA and they've got the same. Lately a lot of real bun hairstyle this is a braid. I'll try to take a picture of the fine.
Follow mee continue :))

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