Drage moje moraaala sam da sa vama podjelim novitet koji se nalazi na našem tržištu. Uvijek sam imala problema sa maskarama imam jako osjetljive oči i moram da pazim šta stavljam . Do sada sam koristila mnogo različitih maskara od različitih proizvođača i nijedana nije bila dobra i ugodno me iznenadila kao ova alverde maskara elegant lash. Vaše trepavice budu za čaš podignute i oblikovane onako kako vi želite ne stegne vam trepavice kao ostale maskara što je bitno prilikom skidanja šminke ne opadaju vam trepuške kao što inače bude slučaj a ono što je još bitnije za nas djevojke jeste da jako ugodno miriše. U DM sam inače prolazila pored ovih proizvoda ali od sada ću da ih isprobam . Kozmetika nije skupa a to još jednom dokazuje moju rečenicu #SKUPOUVIJEKNEZNAČIKVALITET. Konačno je uvedena i kod nas priodna kozmetika koja ne sadrži štetne hemijske sastojke koje mogu štetiti našoj koži. Isprobajte uvjeravam vas iznenadit ćete se. :))
My dear I had to share with you a new feature that is on the market. I've always had a problem with the mascara I have very sensitive eyes and I have to watch what I put. So far I have used many different mascara from different manufacturers, and none was good and pleasantly surprised me as this alverde lash mascara elegant. Your eyelashes are the goblets raised and shaped the way you want has cured your eyelashes as other mascara which is important when removing makeup does not decrease as you trepuške otherwise be the case and what is even more important for us girls is that a very pleasant smell. The DM I normally passed by these products but from now on I'm going to try them. Cosmetics is not expensive and it once again proves my sentence
#EXPENSIVEdoesnotalwaysmeanquality. Finally introduced in our country's natural cosmetics that do not contain harmful chemicals that can harm our skin. Try assure you you will be surprised. :))
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